UCASE$ Function Action Returns a string expression with all letters in uppercase. Syntax UCASE$ ( stringexpression$) Remarks The UCASE$ function takes a string variable, string constant, or string expression as its single argument. UCASE$ works with both variable- and fixed-length strings. UCASE$ and LCASE$ are helpful in making string comparisons that are not case-sensitive. See Also LCASE$ Example This example contains a FUNCTION procedure, YesQues, that returns a Boolean value depending on how the user responds. The procedure uses UCASE$ to make a non- case-sensitive test of the user's response. DEFINT A-Z FUNCTION YesQues(Prompt$,Row,Col) STATIC OldRow=CSRLIN OldCol=POS(0) ' Print prompt at Row, Col. LOCATE Row,Col . PRINT Prompt$ "(Y-N)."; DO ' Get the user to press a key. DO Resp$=INKEY$ LOOP WHILE Resp$="" Resp$=UCASE$(Resp$) ' Test to see if it's yes or no. IF Resp$="Y" OR Resp$="N" THEN EXIT DO ELSE BEEP END IF LOOP PRINT Resp$;' Print the response on the line. LOCATE OldRow,OldCol' Move the cursor back to the old position. YesQues=(Resp$="Y")' Return a Boolean value. END FUNCTION DO LOOP WHILE NOT YesQues("Do you know the frequency?",12,5)